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Whipped hummus with lamb and sumac

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Hummus is one of those dips that everyone loves. They are simple, sometimes with a touch of flavor added, roasted garlic, chilies, zata'ar or others. I was looking for not a dip, but a dish, a spectacular hummus recipe that was the main course. This lovely recipe is what I found in my library.

The first known cultivation of chickpeas dates back to more than 10,000 years in Turkey, but hummus, which must contain both chickpeas and tahini, has been claimed by the Greeks, Syrians, Turkish, Palestinians and the Israelis. Yes there were the "Hummus wars" over branding the name, just as with champagne that can only be from France.

This dish just rocks! Soft and creamy hummus, this recipe is off the charts delicious, is layered with hot, oily and sizzling meat and topped with fresh herbs and pine nuts. Good bye boring hummus! I adapted the recipe a touch, I added roasted garlic instead of fresh garlic to the hummus. This gave it a beautiful aroma and flavor of caramelized garlic that is gentle. I also substituted goat for lamb, it is easier to find where I live.

I have not cooked enough from this book, but every time I cook from it I love the flavors and dishes. A book filled with wonderful recipes from Lebanon is a treat to have and cook from. Easy to follow recipes make me want to pick up this cookbook and make super delicious dinners every night. I highly recommend this cookbook for authentic flavors from the region.

For more wonderful recipes from this cookbook, click here.


For the hummus:

3/4 cup dried chickpeas, soaked overnight

1 garlic clove, sliced

1/2 bay leaf

1 head garlic, kept whole

A drizzle of olive oil

1/2 cup tahini

Salt to taste

Juice of 1 lime or 1/2 lemon

Chickpea cooking liquid, as needed

For the goat/lamb:

1 lb boneless goat/lamb shoulder, or meat without any gristle, cut into tiny squares

Juice of 1 lime or 1/2 lemon

2-3 garlic cloves

Salt to taste

3 table spoons sumac

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3-4 tablespoons pine nuts, lightly toasted

Parsley, minced

Mint, minced

Pita bread

To make the hummus:

Drain the chickpeas and cook in 5 cups of water with the garlic and bay leaf. You can pressure cook or Instapot these peas as you want them over cooked and soft.

Heat the oven to 375°F.

Cut the top of the garlic bulb. Wrap in foil and pour in a drizzle of olive oil. Bake for 30-40 minutes till the cloves are roasted, you will smell them. Remove and cool. Remove the pods, they should slip out easily.

To a small blender add the chickpeas (See note below), roasted garlic pods, and all other ingredients except for the chickpea cooking liquid. Purée to a smooth paste, you want this to be fairly thick so it is easy to scoop. Taste and adjust salt and tartness. Note: I like to set aside 10% of the chickpeas whole and mix them into the hummus later. I find the little bite that the whole chickpeas add changes the appreciation for this dip tremendously.

For the goat/lamb:

Dice the meat into very small pieces and marinate with the , garlic, lime/lemon juice and salt for at least 30 minutes.

Heat a wok or frying pan to high with the oil and add the meat. It will sizzle and pop, be careful. Add the ground cinnamon in about 1 minute and mix in well. Sauté on high till the meat is caramelized and browned. Add most of the sumac and mix in well. Proceed to plating this dish as soon as possible.

To serve:

Layer the hummus in a wide shallow bowl. As soons as the meat is cooked layer on top of the hummus adding all the burnt small bits and oils on top. Sprinkle with the pine nuts, herbs and sumac. Serve piping hot with toasted pita bread.

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