Mexican cuisine is synonmous with salsa, found on every table and infinite in it s variations. The original salsa recipe dates back several hundred years to indigenous cultures throughout the Western hemisphere, including the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. These recipes called for a mixture of squash seeds, tomatoes, beans, and chiles, and it was served alongside meats. Today it is biquitous and alongside a bowl of crispy tortilla chips, a favourite snack on the table.
This is a unique salsa, and as the name suggests means "brave salsa". It oroginated in Veracruz, Mexico,and is a staple on the mexican table. The salsa derives it name fro its bold flavours, complex, nutty, and spicy. It explodes on your palate and makes the dish pop with flavour. The origial version is usually made with roasted peanuts, bt here we use sunflowr seeds for a subtler nuttiness and creamier consistency. This is the perfect condiment with quesadillas, tacos or grilled meats.
This is an excellent book from the famed restaurant in San Francisco. I love the recipes and flavours in it. The chef has compiled an excellent selection of traditional and contemporary recipes to satisfy your palate and quench your cravings for great Mexican food. I love to cook from this book.
For more recipes from this cookbook, click here.

15 arbol chillies, lightly toasted
1 dried ancho chilli, lightly toasted until it smokes
1 cup water
1/4 cup sunflower seeds, lightly toasted
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2-3 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, Mexican preferred
4 tablespoons olive oil
Salt, to taste
Soak the chillies in boiling water for 30-45 minutes until soft. Then, De-seed and de-stem them, keeping the flesh.
Add all ingredients, including half the strained soaking liquids, to a small blender and purèe to a rough consistency. Taste for salt.
Serve at room temperature with tacos, quesadillas and other fare.
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