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The chilli and green mango plate

Updated: Mar 22

One of the most common street-food snacks in India is green mangoes with chili powder and salt. I have also had this combination around the world. Most of Central and South America and Southwest Asia serve this in some form. The most complex version was green mango with chipotle-fried grasshopper powder in Mexico City, which was served as an accompaniment to the excellent mezcal I was sipping that night.

However, this is usually served by street vendors with small carts loaded with fruit and have these delectable snacks ready. Over the years, I realized that the snack tastes very different depending on the variety of mango used and the local chilli varieties. My thought was to bring these diverse flavours to my table, a way to educate guests on diverse ingredients and unique combinations of flavours.

The concept for this dish is straightforward: a semi-ripe mango with different chilies from around the world. As you taste the different chilli powders, you begin to enjoy the nuances of each chilli flavour. Make sure to balance super spicey chillies and milder ones from different parts of the world.

On this plate, I used the following:

Large-grain hand-harvested Tuticorin sea salt

Georgian red chilli powder -- spicy

Spanish smoked paprika from Chiquilin -- mild and smoky

Korean gochugaru flakes -- sweet with a touch of heat

Turkish/Syrian Aleppo flakes -- sharp and hot

For more recipes from Zafar, click here.


1-2 green or semi-ripe mangoes

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon chilli powder, see note below

You can use any variety of chilli powders that you have. I generally try and choose a very diverse variety from different parts of the world. Below are a few I have in my pantry, but you can use whatever varieties you have ready in your kitchen. Please be adventurous, this is a fun plate to experiment on. Below are just a few of the variety of chillies I have in my pantry.


Red chilli powder

yellow chilli powder

Bydagi chilli powder


Bird's eye chilli powder


Gochugaru chilli powder


Sichuan peppercorns

Yunnan wrinkled chillies


Chipotle chilli powder

Tepin chilli powder

Chilli Japonese


Aleppo chilli flakes

Maras Chilli flakes

Urfa smoked chilli flakes


Sweet papkika

Hot paprika

Smoked paprika


Piment d'Esplette


Calabrian chilli powder




Peel and cut the mango into thin batons.

Add the salt and chilli powders around the centre of the plate. Arrange the mango batons in the open spaces. Serve.

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