Instructions for Contributors and passionate chefs.
Membership and Contributor roles
Blog formatting directions
Membership and Contributor roles:
There are two roles on this site:
Members and Subscribers have the ability to leave comments, like recipes and get notifications when a new recipe is posted.
Contributors get all of the above permissions, but also get the ability to post their own recipes.
Everyone who would like to be a Contributor must also be a site subscriber and member. This is a requirement from Wix, so that you have access to their blogging platform. Please Subscribe using the button on the header of this page. Please select the Ï want to be a Contributor tab" only if you plan on contributing recipes to the blog.
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The next step is to click on any blog comment boX, you will see a pop-up asking you if you would like to make your profile public. Click on the I gree button.
I will then be able to assign you a profile that allows you to Contribute.
This process is a few clicks, but this was the easiest and simplest I could make the process.
Blog format directions:
It would be nice to have a basic format for this blog. I do appreciate that each of you want to develop/or have your own creative style, and there is ample opportunity to do so. However, please adhere by the basic guidelines.
Please use the original title of the recipe always, whether this recipe is from a cookbook, magazine or any online source. This is critical in maintaining the originality of the dish. If the title is in multiple languages, please use the English name first. If this is a recipe that you have created from scratch, not modified, then create any title you think is most useful.
A modification is when you make a small addition, leave out an ingredient, or cook the dish differently (In the oven instead of on the stove). In essence, the dish has not been modified significantly. For minor modifications to the dish, ALWAYS use the original title. please note the changes you make in the Comments section (see below).
Recipe introduction:
This is where i encourage you to be creative. use this section to highlight why you cooked this dish or like it so much. For example, I say what flavors I like, what combinations I enjoy or surprise me, or which season I cook this dish in. Be creative and sell the dish. A short history of the dish, if unique, is wonderful too. If you want to add the introductory notes from a recipe from a book or website, please add them here. A few sentences are good, not too long please.
Add a photo here. Remember, a great photograph of the dish will make folks want to cook the dish. There are two types of photos:
Food photos: One that you take of the food you have cooked. These could also be photos of the food that are published. Use great photos.
Source photos: This is usually a photo of the cookbook or magazine this recipe is from. The best way to get these photos is from Amazon. It is critical that we use the original stock photos of the cookbook so that we give credit for the recipe.
Serving size:
Optional information. Add the number of folks this recipe will feed, if desired. It is a good to have usually.
Time to cook:
Optional information, Add the time to cook , if desired. This is a nice to have.
Add all recipe details of how to cook the dish including the:
Ingredient list
Preparation notes
Recipe details
Assembly details
Serving details, including plating techniques if appropriate.
If the recipe is from a book and the recipe has an introductory note, do not include it here. That goes in the Comments section (See above)
We have the ability to use categories for this site, and i encourage you to use them. This makes finding a recipe much easier.
the categories are in three classes:
Mealtime: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner. Pick all that are appropriate. Do not limit yourself to one only. For example, Most main dishes are selected for both Lunch and Dinner. Dessert have no mealtime selection, Just Desserts (See below).
Vegan & vegetarian: Select as appropriate. NOTE: All Vegan recipes get BOTH Vegan and Vegetarian boxes selected.
Ease: How easy the dish is. Select from Easy, Intermediate or Involved. Please select only one.
Food category: This has the following categories: Cocktail, Appetiser, Dessert, Ice cream, Pasta, salad, Side dish, and Soup. Select as appropriate.
For all Ice creams please select BOTH Ice cream and Dessert.
Country of Origin: This is the country that the dish originally originated from. In some cases, for dishes that cross between two cultures, Chicken tikka tacos, choose both countries (India and Mexico).